Haven kan vara återställda inom 30 år enligt forskare

10 april, 2020 0 av Bra Nyheter

Haven är helt enkelt så pass bra på att återhämta sig att om vi bara fördubblar våra ansträngningar att skydda de så kan det gå hyfsat fort att återställa det vi skadat.

The scientists say there is now the knowledge to create an ocean renaissance for wildlife by 2050 and with it bolster the services that the world’s people rely on, from food to coastal protection to climate stability. The measures needed, including protecting large swathes of ocean, sustainable fishing and pollution controls, would cost billions of dollars a year, the scientists say, but would bring benefits 10 times as high.

Nu är det upp till bevis att se till att så sker. Vi måste bli bättre på att använda våra resurser på ett hållbart sätt.

Oceans can be restored to former glory within 30 years, say scientists

The glory of the world’s oceans could be restored within a generation, according to a major new scientific review. It reports rebounding sea life, from humpback whales off Australia to elephant seals in the US and green turtles in Japan. Through rampant overfishing, pollution and coastal destruction, humanity has inflicted severe damage on the oceans and its inhabitants for centuries.