Förnybart tar över elnätet under pandemin

7 maj, 2020 0 av Bra Nyheter

Eftersom vi inte släpper ut lika mycket föroreningar så produceras inte lika mycket sot som påverkar produktionen av solel till exempel. Dessutom används mindre energi av industrier. Detta gör att andelen förnybart ökar i världen.

Men även att det sker utveckling.

The study finds that falling costs, more efficient technology, and government support in some parts of the world have fostered larger renewable power plants, with the average wind farm now double the size it was four years ago. The larger the plant, the lower the cost of generation. The price of electricity from onshore wind farms dropped 9 percent since mid-2019, and solar electricity prices likewise declined 4 percent.

In the middle of a pandemic, renewables are taking over the grid

The reduction in driving, flying, and industrial activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic has cleared the air in typically smog-choked cities all over the world, inspiring awe in residents who are seeing more blue skies and starry nights than ever before.